Tony Morphett

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Contributor Tony Morphett
Gender Male
Functions Playwright, Writer



Barry Conyngham - Composer

Allan Penney - Director

John Antill - Composer

Stephanie Ashby-Worden - Stage Manager

Dusan Balint - Stage Manager, Assistant

Anne Bannon - Actor

Jennifer Barry - Dancer

Saul Bellow - Playwright

Suzanne Berry - Director

Pat Bishop - Actor

Janet Bridgland - Costume Designer

Neville Burns - Dancer

Kim Carpenter - Designer

John Clark - Director

David Copping - Designer

Elizabeth Dalman - Choreographer

Ian Davidson - Director, Assistant

Leslie Dayman - Narrator

A P Elkin - Writer

Valda Ferris - Narrator

Sandy Gore - Actor

Graham Greene - Playwright

Daphne Grey - Narrator

Eunice Hanger - Director

Max Harris - Poet

Jack Hume - Narrator

Rob Inglis - Actor

Robyn Joyce - Stage Manager, Assistant

Jeff Kevin - Actor

Douglas Lockwood - Writer

Robin Lovejoy - Director

Hermes Martini - Stage Manager, Assistant

Ross McGregor - Director

  • The Magic Apron, Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1969

Richard Meale - Composer

John Mildren - Director

Stan Ostoja-Kotkowski - Designer, Director

W Ramsay-Smith - Writer

Roland Robinson - Poet

Gregory Ross - Actor

Delwyn Rouse - Dancer

Deidre Rubenstein - Actor

John Scott - Set Designer

  • The Magic Apron, Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1969

Peter Sculthorpe - Composer

Larry Sitsky - Composer

Kenneth Slessor - Poet

Baldwin Spencer - Writer

Cheryl Stock - Dancer

G H Strehlow - Writer

Peter Tahourdin - Composer

Bert Terborgh - Dancer

Ross Thompson - Actor

Ray Wheeler - Narrator

David Whitford - Actor

Peter Whitford - Actor

Keith Wilson - Director

Rodney Wilson - Stage Manager

Claude Wischik - Poet

Judith Wright - Poet


The University of NSW, Drama Foundation

Australian Dance Theatre

Blackwood Players

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Independent Theatre For Children

  • The Magic Apron, Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1969

Sound and Image Productions

The Australian Council for the Arts

The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

The Independent Theatre

  • The Magic Apron, Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1969

The Old Tote Theatre Company

The University of Queensland, Students

University of New South Wales

Identifier 225211