Pirates at the Barn

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Event Pirates at the Barn
Venue Darlington Deaf and Dumb Institute, Darlington, NSW
First Date July 1949
Dates Estimated No
Status Amateur
World Premiere No
Description “The Mosman Children's Theatre next month will undertake a particularly interesting bit of pioneering that may have widespread repercussions. They will present a play to the deaf children at the Darlington Deaf and Dumb Institute and they think it's the first time it's ever been done. The play, Pirates at the Barn, will be specially adapted for the audience, with particular emphasis on miming. The deaf children will be told the story beforehand, and during the performance one of their supervisors will translate into lip reading and hand language the dialogue. The Children's Theatre people feel that if the experiment is successful they'll be able to bring a lot of joy to other afflicted children.”
Description Source Article
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Mime
Children's Theatre
Adaptive Performance
Further Information Source: Polkinghorne, Arthur. 1949. “Sydney Diary.” The Sun, 17 June, page 13.
Event Status Completed
Event Identifier 146318