The NDIS and disability arts in Australia: Opportunities and challenges

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Title The NDIS and disability arts in Australia: Opportunities and challenges
Creator Contributors
Abstract/Description In Australia, disabled people's participation in the arts has historically been afforded by means of direct-to-organisation grants that arts, community services or disability services arms of government award to arts organisations, charities or disability service organisations, who then deliver programmes. The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is creating wide-reaching changes for disability arts practice in Australia. We undertake a first step in addressing the need for research into how the NDIS will alter the landscape of disability arts practice in Australia. We highlight a set of questions that all performing and creative arts industry stakeholders will need to respond to, in order to ensure that the excellent work done in disability arts in Australia to date can continue in the new climate that the NDIS brings.
Source Australasian Drama Studies, ADSA, VIC
Issue 74
Page 9-38
Date Issued April 2019
Language English
ISSN 0810-4123
Citation Bree Hadley, Gerard Goggin, The NDIS and disability arts in Australia: Opportunities and challenges, Australasian Drama Studies, 74, April 2019, 9-38
Resource Identifier 68798